Gather all materials needed for the project.
Iron the fabric so that it is without wrinkles. Fold fabric in half so that the corners match.
Once folded, use a marking tool to draw your letters onto the fabric. You could also use a template that has been printed out and pinned on if you do not feel comfortable free-handing the letters. Make sure to leave enough space between each letter for seam allowance purposes.
Either use the sewing machine (very fast option) or your needle and thread to sew around your sketched letters. Make sure to leave a section without stitches. This section needs to be wide enough for the letter to be turned inside out. For the "O" do not sew any of the inner section.
Once you have finished sewing, use scissors to cut out the letters. Leave at least 1/4in seam allowance.
For the "O" cut small triangular slits around the circumference of the letter being careful to not cut through the stitches. For the other letters, cut a diagonal line at each corner being careful to not cut through the stitches.
Flip each letter right side out. Once finished, iron each letter.
Fill each letter with Poly-fil and use pins to hold the openings closed making sure to fold the seam allowances inward.
With the seam allowance folded inward, use an invisible stitch to close the openings (see notes section for a link to instructions for hand stitching a ladder invisible stitch).
Pick your banner thread and use a needle to thread each letter onto the thread.
Now you are ready to display your love for all to see!